Thursday, June 17, 2010

Assignment One Part Two

Good Morning, Tipsters!

Your blog is taking shape. Before you begin reading about everyone else's architects, please do the following:

1. Finish writing about your architect's two or more selected works. Be very specific with the words that you choose to use. Do not simply say that a building is "cool" or "unique" but rather tell us WHY it is so.

2. Edit your photos with Photoshop and add them to your post.

3. Add labels to your posts. Labels would include any important topics mentioned in your post or associated to your architect. These topics could be places, things, green (sustainable) strategies, etc. Examples include: sustainability, skyscrapers, solar panels, humanitarian, and Japan. You add them by editing your post and writing them in the box at the bottom of the post box. Please separate labels with a comma.

When you are completely done with your post, begin to read everyone else's. Comment on each of your sixteen classmate's projects, noting something that you found interesting. If their post left you wanting to know more about their intriguing architect, not only comment but also ask a question.

When this is all complete, we will create our animations and post them on the blog.

Good luck!

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